Religious Education Program for Children

Religous Education & Sacramental Preparation for Children

Sacramental preparation - First Communion | Confirmation

Faith First is our faith education program for children. A team of volunteer catechists deliver a program that guides the children into a deeper understanding of the basics of our faith using age-appropriate activities throughout the six-year program.

Children start the program when they begin first grade, usually around age six. Older children are welcome to join the program, too–no matter where they are on their faith journey.

What we do:

  • Help children develop a lifelong, personal friendship with Jesus
  • Help parents fulfill their promise made at Baptism to raise their children in the Catholic Faith.

For more information, please contact

Registration for 2024-25 is now Open

Our faith education program is open to parishioners and non-parishioners.

A registration fee of $125 per child to a maximum of $225 per family applies. However, finances should never come in the way of a child’s participation in our faith education program–if you need assistance with the program fees, please call the faith first office to discuss.

Click the button below for a fillable Registration Form in PDF.
Please complete the form and mail to Sylvie at

Schedule for All Groups & Levels 2024-25

Attendance at Mass

We believe that practicing the faith at home and regular Mass attendance is essential for children to develop an active faith and to connect what they learn in class to their daily lives.

Families should attend Sunday Mass regularly. Our usual mass times are Saturdays at 4:30PM and Sundays at 9AM and 11AM. Pick whichever time works best for your family’s schedule and if none of these times are good go to another Catholic parish if their mass times or location is more convenient. The important thing is to make going to Mass a regular part of your weekly routine.

Attendance at Mass
Preparation for The


We help the children prepare for their sacraments of initiation. First Communion is celebrated at the end of level three and Confirmation at the end of level six.

First Penance


“The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God’s grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship.” (CCC 1468)

First Communion

Holy Eucharist

“In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith: ‘Our way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms our way of thinking.’” (CCC 1327)



“By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1285)


In the Sacrament of Confirmation, Catholics are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Christian’s relationship with God is made stronger. A candidate for Confirmation should have participated prayerfully, faithfully, and responsibly in the preparation process. The candidates for confirmation are:

  • Able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Jesus, his teachings and the values and practices of the Catholic Faith.
  • Faithfully attending Mass and celebrating Eucharist weekly.
  • Able and willing to express their free decision to accept Confirmation and a desire to continue to nurture their relationship with the Risen Christ.
  • Have received the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion as part of the immediate preparation for the celebration of Confirmation.

Choosing a Sponsor

You are in the privileged position of guiding your child in their decisions regarding Confirmation. One of the most important decisions will be the choice of your child’s sponsor. Please share the following information with your child as he/she prepares to make this important choice.

The Confirmation sponsor plays a special role not just in the celebration of Confirmation, but especially in the faith-life of the child. It is an honour to be chosen sponsor, but there is much more to the role than just being honoured. The sponsor is someone who acts as mentor, a “spiritual” parent, a “companion on the journey” of becoming a more committed and responsible Catholic Christian

A Sponsor Is…

  • At least sixteen (16) years of age.
  • Baptized and confirmed Catholic.
  • A practicing Catholic.
  • A good model of Christian living who can help your child grow in their experience of God through the practice of their faith.
  • A real friend whom you can trust.
  • A good listener in whom your child can confide.
  • Actively interested and involved in your child’s faith & family experience.
  • A “real” part of your child’s life who can declare before the parish community that your child is choosing freely to accept the privileges and responsibilities of Confirmation.


First Reconciliation (sacrament of Penance) will be received prior to First Communion and is normally celebrated in Level 3. The diocese provides the following guidelines to determine readiness for the sacrament:

The child must have an initial knowledge of:

  • The person of Jesus.
  • The Gospel message of forgiveness.
  • Sin and its effects.
  • Understanding and experience of sorrow, forgiveness, and conversion.