Thursday, July 16
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened.
(Matthew 11:28)
We know an invitation when it shows up in our mailbox by the fine paper, the flowing typeface, and the formal language. Even if the event we’re invited to imposes on an already hectic schedule, we still place it on top of our mail pile or tape it to our refrigerator door. We want to honor the person inviting us, and we want to try to do everything we can to accept the invitation and go. Today, Jesus is issuing you an invitation: “Come to Me” (Matthew 11:28). Only this time it’s not an invitation to a wedding or a party but to a person. It’s not an invitation to a special event with a beginning and an end but to a relationship that never ends.
Even better, this invitation doesn’t require you to go out and buy a new outfit. No, you are free to come to Him exactly as you are. Don’t even try to hide your burdens or concerns. Bring them with you! The difficult work environment, the wayward child, the ailing parent, the persistent patterns of sin. Bring it all with you, and let Jesus give you rest and relief.
Remember too that this is an invitation, not a command. You are perfectly free to accept or decline. You are free to say, “Not now, Lord, I’m too busy,” or, “Maybe next week when my schedule lightens up.” Jesus will always honor your freewill decisions.
But why would you even consider burying this invitation in your pile of mail? Think of what you would be passing up if you did. There’s the experience of Jesus’ love, which covers a multitude of sins. There’s the promise of healing of old hurts. There’s the sense of purpose and calling He has for you. And best of all, there’s the glimpse of eternal life that comes every time you sit with Him.
Jesus doesn’t want to add to your burdens. He wants to lighten them. He is more interested in giving you rest than He is in judging your performance or reviewing your past sins.
So come to Jesus today. Right now: He is waiting just for you.
“Lord, I accept Your invitation to come and spend time with You. I believe that being with You can ease my burdens and bring me rest. “
Isaiah 26:7-9,12, 16-19
Psalm 102:13-21
Our Communion Hymn
“50 Covid Affected Countries sing Amazing Grace”
is on YouTube. To see the video go to this link:
Recorded music remains the property of the Artists/Writers.
No ownership is implied