June 3

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Daily Reflections from “The Word Among Us”

Wednesday, June 3
2 Timothy 1:1-3,6-12
A spirit of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7)

Do you ever feel a little anxious when you look at the state of the world? That’s probably how Paul’s young friend, Timothy, felt. It appears he was naturally reserved, since Paul advised the Corinthians to “see that he is without fear in your company” if Timothy came to visit (1 Corinthians 16:10). It looks like he might have been a worrier too, since Paul counsels him to drink a little wine for his stomach ailments (l Timothy 5:23).  

But Paul’s best advice comes in today’s reading. He encourages Timothy to “stir into flame” the gift of the Holy Spirit that he received at his baptism (2 Timothy 1:6). That’s the same Holy Spirit that you received at your baptism. It’s the same Spirit who gave you the same gifts of power, love and self- control when you were confirmed. What do these gifts look like? Paul reminds Timothy that this power comes from God. It’s not dependent on “our works but according to … the grace bestowed on us in Christ” (2 Timothy 1:9). And because it comes from God, this power can make us brave and unashamed: brave enough to offer to pray with a friend who is hurting. Brave enough to share our faith with a family member who is struggling. Brave enough to turn away from gossip and to change the tone of a negative conversation. 

The Spirit also helps us to love. He helps us to lift up each child of God; not just the ones we find attractive, but also the ones who try our patience or who rub us the wrong way. That’s because the Spirit has poured the unconditional love of God into our hearts (Romans 5:5). As we believe in and experience that love, we let go of divisive thoughts, and we become more free to care for the people around us. Finally; the self-control that comes from the Holy Spirit enables us to rise above our fears and to harness our inner drives. It helps us turn aside from harmful thoughts and overcome old habits that threaten to trip us up.

Power, love, and self-control. These are gifts from the Spirit to you. This is your heritage. Step out in faith and try them out!

“Jesus, thank you for the generous gifts you have given me through your Holy Spirit!”
Psalm 123: 1-2
Mark 12:18-27


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