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Daily Reflection for Monday, May 11
John 14:21-26
The Holy Spirit ... will … remind you of all that I told you. (John 14:26)
It’s so hard to remember everything we have to do! Thank goodness for reminders: alarms on our cell phones, a loved one’s gentle (or maybe not so gentle) prodding, or the old reliable Post- it Note.
Thank God for the heavenly “reminder” of the Holy Spirit! Of course, the Spirit is much more than a ringtone, but one of the things Jesus promised the Spirit would do is bring His teachings to the forefront of our minds.
During His public ministry, Jesus taught His disciples quite a lot about His heavenly Father and about the kind of life He wants us to live. But He didn’t expect them to grasp it all at once, nor does He expect that we do either. He knows it’s a life’s work. And that’s why the Holy Spirit is so important. He
comes to us to help us remember all that Jesus taught and to guide us
into a life that is most pleasing to the Lord.
What does it look like for the Holy Spirit to remind us? Maybe a few examples will help. When we are faced with a difficult situation, He reminds us of how trustworthy God is – maybe by bringing a Scripture passage to mind or by using a friend’s words to prompt us. When we doubt His love, He helps us to remember that Christ lives in us – maybe through a hymn at Mass or by calling to mind a past event that was filled with His grace. He reminds us to call a friend or family member who is hurting. He prods us to be generous when we’re feeling stretched. And He helps us to recall Jesus’ own example of mercy when we struggle to forgive. What’s even better, the Spirit acts not only as our reminder, but he also empowers us to do what Jesus taught!
Today, thank the Holy Spirit for His work in your life. Take a few moments to reflect on the ways He is already helping you follow Jesus. Then ask Him for even more-more of his power, guidance, and love-so that you can live a life that is even more conformed to the life of Jesus Christ.
“Holy Spirit, I want more of You! Thank You for ‘reminding’ me.”
Acts 14:5-18
Psalm 115:1-4, 1.5-16