Daily Reflection for Tuesday, May 12
John 14:27-31
The ruler of the world is coming. (John 14:30)
If you want to understand this verse, it would be helpful to step back in time to the story of the Garden of Eden and the serpent’s conversation with Eve. “You will be like gods,” he tells her (Genesis 3:5). All she and her husband have to do is eat the forbidden fruit, and they’ll get to decide what is good and what is evil. They won’t have to submit to God’s rules any longer; they can make up their own. Convinced, they set aside God’s words, accept the serpent’s words, and take a bite out of the fruit.
At that very moment, the devil became “the ruler of the world” (John 14:30). Because he fooled our first parents, “sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all” (Romans 5:12). Sin and its effects spread over the whole world as people embraced the devils rules instead of God’s.
But then Jesus came and revealed a new way of living. In the face of the selfish grasping at the heart of Satan’s rule, Jesus followed the rule of self-sacrificing love. While Satan urged vengeance, Jesus preached mercy and forgiveness. While Satan preferred pride and arrogance, Jesus taught humility and service.
Again and again, Jesus showed that the devil had “no power” over Him (John 14:30). No amount of lying, cajoling, or tempting could convince Him to swerve from His path. He followed the law of love all the way to His death and resurrection. And because of Jesus’ faithfulness unto death, the iron grip of Satan’s rule was broken. We can now choose “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus” instead of the devil’s “law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).
Today, Jesus is telling you that He is on your side. He has overcome the ruler of this world. You are no longer under the devils thumb. You can share in Jesus’ victory. You have options that our ancestors never had – you have the Holy Spirit, always ready to help you follow the way of Christ. So whose rule will you follow today?
“Thank you, Jesus, for overcoming the evil one! Lord, help me stay faithful to You.
Acts 14: 19~28
Psalm 145:10-13, 21