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Daily Reflection
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Hear these words! (Acts 2:14)
Have you ever heard the word kerygma? It’s a Greek word that means “the proclamation.” The Church uses this word to describe the core message that Peter and the apostles preached after Jesus’ resurrection. Today’s first reading- from Peter’s Pentecost sermon-is one clear example of the Church’s kerygma, the key events that are at the heart of our faith:
-Jesus worked “mighty deeds, wonders, and signs” while He was on the earth (Acts 2:22). The Gospels are filled with stories of Jesus healing people, raising the dead, calming” storms, casting out demons. All these miracles showed that Jesus was no ordinary man.
-Jesus was “delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23). Jesus’ death was not just a travesty of justice or an accident of fate. No, it was part of God’s plan. Jesus went to His death willingly, an innocent victim of the sin that was in the world, so that He could deliver us from that sin.
-“God raised Him up” (Acts 2:24). Jesus is now risen from the dead. He broke the chains of death and revealed the promise of resurrection-both for Himself and for everyone who comes to Him.
-Having ascended to heaven, Jesus has poured out “the promise of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:33). Because of that Spirit, every one of us can experience God’s life and love active within them. We can know forgiveness of our every sin, we can be filled with the hope of eternal life, and we can receive the power to live a new life here and now.
This kerygma is not just a set of truths to be believed. It’s the story of our redemption. It’s a series of promises that we can experience: Physical and spiritual healing. Forgiveness, Eternal life, The Holy Spirit; this is your heritage. This is everything Jesus died to secure for you. This is how much He loves you and treasures you.
“Jesus, I am astounded at Your love‘ and generosity-toward me!”
Psalm 16:1-2,5,7-11
1 Peter 1:17-21
Luke 24: 13-35