
Mass Intentions

To request an Intention, please call or email the Parish Office at least 2 weeks in advance of the date requested for the intention. Intentions are$15.00 each. Call 514-366-0131 ext. 221 or send an email to office@johnbrebeuf.ca

Saturday (July 27)
4:30 P.M.     – Annunzio & Adele DeAngelis by Gaby
                     – James Dick by Rita & Tim
                     – Carmine Palmiero by Tracey, Dora & family
                     – (Living) For all auxiliary members of the Legion of Mary by the Legion of Mary
Sunday (July 28) 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 A.M.     – Deceased Parishioners
11:00 A.M.   – Nicola Muacilli by his daughters
                     – James Tersillo by Victor Capozzi
                     – Thanking God for His grace & protection over the Taku family
Monday (July 29) St. Martha, Mary & Lazarus
9:00 A.M.     – (Living) For the health of Reginald & Charity Nwosu & family by Regina
Tuesday (July 30)
9:00 A.M.     – Domenico Durante by Franco & Luciana Pelle
Wednesday (July 31) St. Ignatius of Loyola
9:00 A.M.     – (Living) Wedding Anniversary blessings to Sarah & Mark Fraser
                       Prem & Bob Neef
Thursday (August 1)
9:00 A.M.     – Sick & Shut- Ins

Friday (August 2)
9:00 A.M.     – Carlos Melo
by the family
                     – Miguel Payeras Oliver by his family
Saturday (August 3)
4:30 P.M      – Julia Riccobene
by Tracey & Dora Timmoney
                     – Leda Patton by her husband
                     – (Living) Birthday blessings for Brenda Khan by the Legion of Mary
Sunday (August 4)
9:00 A.M.     – Deceased Parishioners
11:00 A.M.   – Brendan Deegan
by Rita & Tim Burns & family
                     – George Mastromonaco by Tony & Linda Capozzi  

(July 26 - August 2)
Our Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week
in memory of our Deceased Parishioners