
Mass Intentions

To request an Intention, please call or email the Parish Office at least 2 weeks in advance of the date requested for the intention. Intentions are$15.00 each. Call 514-366-0131 ext. 221 or send an email to office@johnbrebeuf.ca

Saturday (September 21)
4:30 P.M       – Angelo, Elisabetta & John Marino 
by Mario
                      – Fr. Mike Shaw 
by Linda & Jean Paul Donato
                      – Beatrice Hingston 
by Huguette Firmini
Sunday (September 22) 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00A.M.       – (Living) Birthday blessings for Carol Testa 
by her husband
                        John Testa
11:00 P.M.    – Everett & Ruth by Colleen & the Ridley family
                      – Gina Ouellette 
by Norma, Jo-Ann & Gina Capozzi
                      – Giovanna Zanella & Matteo Della Posta 
by Maria
Monday (September 23) St. Plus of Pietrelcina
9:00 A.M.      – (Living) For the intentions of Fr. Gerry by Stephanie Chalupa
 Tuesday (September 24)
9:00 A.M.      – Deceased Parishioners
Wednesday (September 25)
9:00 A.M.      – Sick & Shut – Ins 
Thursday (September 26) St. John Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues & Companions
9:00 A.M.      – Anita Coulas McGrath by Carol Maika Testa 
Friday (September 27) St. Vincent de Paul
9:00 A.M.      – Deceased Parishioners
 Saturday (September 28)
4:30 P.M       – Steve Jastrzebski Sr. by Steve & Helen Jastrzebski
                      – Giselda Fernandes by Teresa & family
                      – Luigi Sabella by Tracey & Dora Timmoney
                      – Ralph Brown Mr. & Mrs. Burns family 
Sunday (September 29) 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 9:00 a.m.      – (Living) For blessings received for Mike Wilds by Olga Hanchuk
 11:00 a.m.    – Adele & Annunzio de Angelis by Gaby
                      – Bernard Keenan the Keenan family
                      – Loretta Laterza & Rocco Mastromatteo by the family

(September 20-27)
Our Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week
in Thanksgiving to St. John Brébeuf and the North American Martyrs.