Friday, June 12
1 Kings 19:9, 11-16
There was a tiny whispering sound. (1 Kings 19:12)
Israel was at a critical juncture. The weak King Ahab, along with his pagan wife, Jezebel, had led the people into deep idolatry and sin. What’s more, the prophet Elijah had just overcome the false prophets of Baal and fled to Mount Horeb to seek help from the Lord. First a strong wind, then an earthquake, then a fire passed before Elijah – each one seeming to bear the kind of majesty that befitted Israel’s need. But God was in none of them. Instead, Elijah heard the Lord through a “tiny whispering sound” that was so intimate and so intense that it made him hide his face in his cloak (I Kings 19:12).
We may think that heroes like Elijah found it easy to hear God, but history shows that they were ordinary people just like us. They too had to learn the art of discernment. Was God speaking in the whirlwind? Or was that just the prophet’s emotional turmoil? Was that faint whisper in the back of his mind the Holy Spirit? Or was it just wishful thinking? Only trial and error could sharpen their skills.
The same is true for us. Over the course of our lives, God will speak to us in many different ways: in the events of the day, in the Scriptures and teachings of the Church, in the words and actions of friends, and, yes, in powerful manifestations of His presence. Our challenge is learning how to discern His voice in each of these situations.
So how do we begin? It’s really quite simple. Jesus once said, “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:16). We typically apply this verse to how we think about other people, but it applies to our spiritual lives as well. For instance, if a thought in your mind helps you love God more, or be a little kinder to someone, it’s probably from the Lord. But if something makes you anxious, fearful, angry; or resentful, it’s probably not coming from God or His Spirit.
Never doubt that God wants to speak to you. In fact, He’s probably trying to tell you something right now: Take a moment to quiet your heart and listen.
“Holy Spirit, open the ears of my heart. Teach me to hear You clearly so that I can follow Your plan for my life.”
Psalm 27:7-9,13-14
Matthew 5:27-32
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Daily Reflections from “The Word Among Us”