July 23

Thursday, July 23
Matthew 13: 1 0-17
They look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand. (Matthew 13:13)

  What if we could use a time machine to convince our neighbors that Jesus is really the Son of God? If only you could take those doubters back two thousand years so that they could hear Jesus preach and see His miracles. Then they would believe in Him, right?  

   Maybe. But maybe not. Look at all the people who met Jesus, who saw Him do so much but still didn’t believe in Him. Looking but not truly seeing and hearing but not truly understanding, they questioned the validity of His miracles (Matthew 13:13). They accused Him of being in league with Satan. They were scandalized when He said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life” (John 6:54).

   Well, what if we could use that time machine to bring Jesus to the present day? Maybe if people saw Him in their own setting, they might be convinced to follow Him. After all, when He performed a miracle, there would be cameras all around to capture the event. Plus, His words could be recorded, there would never be any doubt about what He said.

  But it’s not hard to imagine what could happen. His words would be misinterpreted. He would be called too liberal or too conservative. People might say that He’s a magician or that videos of His miracles were hoaxes and the result of computer manipulation. In short, Jesus would likely be as misunderstood today as He was in His own time.

  The truth is, we don’t need a time machine. We have the Holy Spirit. He can help anyone come to know Jesus even better than the people who heard Him in Galilee. People today may not be able to touch Him, but they can receive Him in the Eucharist. They may not hear Him, but they have His living word in the Scriptures. And most important, they may not see Him, but they have you standing right in front of them. Jesus has commissioned you and promised to be with you always. The witness of your life and the testimony of your words really can change people’s lives.

“Here I am, Lord! Teach me how to be Your ambassador to the people around me. Help me to show them Your humility, Your mercy, and Your love. “
Jeremiah 2:1-3,7-8, 12-13
Psalm 36:6-1 1

Our Communion Hymn
“50 Covid Affected Countries sing Amazing Grace”
is on YouTube. To see the video go to this link:

Recorded music remains the property of the Artists/Writers.
No ownership is implied


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