Message From Fr. Gerry | March 20, 2020

Hello everyone,

What a week…

A few things from our end:

–          We will be Livestreaming our Sunday celebrations starting THIS Sunday March 22, 10:00 a.m.   The link to watch the stream is:   

–          Our weekday masses will be privately celebrated by Fr. Gerry or Fr. George with the Mass intentions that have been requested to date.  

–          Fr. Gerry and Fr. George are available to talk, either in the church in the mornings 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (for those who wish to come for private worship, candle, confession..) or else just call the parish office and leave a message at extention 221 and they will call you back to discuss via phone.  

Lastly, please remember that our church still has bills to pay

Please continue to contribute, you can mail in your contribution or leave it in our mailbox on the front lawn (no cash please).

We count on your generosity to keep serving you.

Thank you and God bless, 

-Fr. Gerry

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