Sunday, September 6
Ezekiel 33:7-9
You ... I have appointed watchman. (Ezekiel 33:7)
Just as God appointed Ezekiel as a watchman for “the house of Israel,” so Has he appointed parents to watch over their own “house,” their family (Ezekiel 33:7). Like a prophet, their role is to hear from God, to encourage their children, to warn them about sin, and to help them live in a way that pleases the Lord. This call isn’t limited to parents either. God wants all of us to be looking out for each other.
Being a watchman can feel overwhelming. The very word watch means “to guard and protect.” In the case of parents especially, God has entrusted them with their children’s physical welfare and their eternal welfare. How can anyone ever live up to such expectations?
Through intercession. Parents know they cannot control every aspect of their children’s lives. There are limits to their influence, especially as their children mature and strike out on their own. But there is no limit to the power of prayer! Interceding for your family is not a waste of time. You may have a very long list if you include your brothers and sisters and your grandchildren. Still, make it a point to pray for each of them by name, and be specific about the intention you are praying for. Then offer a prayer for everyone: “Lord, protect and guide my family. Bless them and protect them from evil. Fill them with Your peace and your love.”
How powerful are the prayers of a watchman? Just ask Jesus. On the night before He died, He prayed for the strength to endure the cross. He prayed for the protection of His apostles. He prayed for all of us (John 17:1-26). Two thousand years later, His prayers are still being answered.
So imitate Jesus, the great Watchman of His Church. Commit your family to the care of your heavenly Father. God will never let you down.
“Lord, help me to watch over my family. I trust in Your protection.”
Psalm 95: 1-2, 6-9
Romans 13:8-10
Matthew 18: 15-20
Daily Reflections from “The Word Among Us”
Recorded music remains the property of the Artists/Writers.
No ownership is implied
Come, Now Is the Time to Worship – Oslo Gospel Choir
All That We Have – The Dameans
You’ll Never Walk Alone – Virtual Choir/Orchestra 15 Countries: 300 People
He Touched Me – Gaither Gospel Group
Testify to Love – Wyonna Judd