Religious Education Program for Adult

Becoming Catholic

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an encounter with Christ. The Holy Spirit has guided seekers who come to the Church to discover what it means to follow Christ as a Catholic.

Those entrusted to journey with these seekers (the people who will be running your RCIA course) give witness to the Faith. These witnesses are also called to deepen their faith as they experience the Holy Spirit working in your lives, those seeking initiation.


In the Introduction to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, we find the basic theology of the Rite, which lies in the conversion of the heart. The conversion of the heart comes from the proclamation of the Gospel.

The Process

The initiation is a gradual process. There is no “one size fits all” program as the Holy Spirit leads the process.

It takes place within the community of the faithful. The parish community is not only the place but the means of catechesis. It is essential to include as many members of the parish in the process as possible so that seekers can be invited to experience all aspects of parish life.

It is always an occasion to reflect upon the Paschal mystery. We tell the story of Jesus. We share our personal stories ‐ the joys, the moments when we experience the life of the risen Christ, but also the demands, the moments when we are called to die to self for Christ. We share the complete story of our Christian faith as lived out in our lifelong journey to become more faithful disciples. We listen to the stories of those who seek Him and help them to find the Paschal mystery in their lives.

It renews the faithful as they offer an example that will help seekers to obey the Holy Spirit more fully. The whole Christian community is called to witness to the life of Christ by constantly turning more and more towards Him and His Church as they follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

It is suited to the spiritual journey of adults and demands an adult approach to formation. Adults learn in a variety of ways,
Contact the office if you are interested in joining our RCIA program or send us an email.