All women of our parish - and beyond! - are invited to gather on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for our Catholic Women's League (CWL) meeting. Please check in with Louise or back on this calendar to confirm that the meeting will in fact be held. For more information on what the CWL is […]
A great way to give back to the community! Please enter via the Meals-on-Wheels kitchen entrance at the bottom of the ramp at the back of the main parking lot off George street. All crafts are made with love by our members and sold at our annual bazar and yard sales for parish projects! New […]
Our Ministers of Hospitality meet every month to coordinate their teams for upcoming celebrations and to plan fundraising events for the church! For more information: Marlene 54-366-0131 ext. 227
Our Social Justice Group meets once every 2 months to learn about and increase awareness for issues that affect our sisters and brothers here and around the world! For more information call/text Wendy 514-585-7727 or