June 2

Recorded music remains the property of the Artists/Writers.
No ownership is implied
Daily Reflections from “The Word Among Us”

Tuesday, June 2
2 Peter 3:12-15, 17-18
Be eager to be found without ... blemish before him. (2 Peter 3:14)

Nobody likes spots or blemishes. Think of how disappointed a car owner would be to find a scratch or dent in his vehicle. Or the anxiety we might feel about keeping food stains off a brand-new carpet. In a similar way, St. Peter advises us to be on guard against anything that might damage or “blemish” our souls (2 Peter 3:14).   

So, how to be on your guard? Well, in the case of car care, the best way is to drive with caution and to be aware of your surroundings at all times. So when it comes to your soul, that could mean avoiding the “near occasion of sin,” as one version of the Act of Contrition says. It means being aware of the temptations around you and being careful how you navigate those dangerous roads.  

In the case of a new carpet, you would want to mind what you eat in that room. You wouldn’t want to risk spilling a glass of red wine or dropping a plate of spaghetti.

On a spiritual level, consider evaluating your “spiritual diet” every now and then. Think about the activities that you participate in. Do they lead to peace, or do they leave you agitated or anxious? Do they help you become the person God created you to be, or do they take you down hurtful or self- centered paths? It can be hard to change our viewing habits or our leisure activities, of course, but anyone who has tried and succeeded will tell you that it is well worth the effort.  

One word of caution: as you make it your goal to “be eager” to avoid marring your soul, don’t let the past weigh you down and don’t let the future discourage you. That’s not the point! Instead, “consider the patience of our Lord” (2 Peter 3:15). Remember that He didn’t come to condemn you for your blemishes, but to save you from them and wash you clean. Through His Spirit, His divine grace is always available to help protect you and set you free.

“Jesus, teach me how to rely on You as I try to steer clear of anything that could mar my soul or damage my spirit.”
Psalm 90:2-4, 10, 14, 16
Mark 12:13-17


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