May 7

Daily Reflection for Thursday May 7
John 13: 16-20
. . so that the Scripture might be fulfilled. (John 13: 18)

Jesus had just washed the feet of the apostles, including Judas, whom Jesus knew was going to betray Him that very night. That’s why he quoted Psalm 41:10: “The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.” He wanted to show the others that Judas’ betrayal was actually part of God’s fulfillment of the Scriptures (John 13:18).

Isn’t it amazing how God can use even the bitterest of betrayals to fulfill the Scriptures and His promise to save His people? God’s ways so often look nothing like what we expect. Faithful Jews awaited a Messiah who would rescue Israel. They could look back to heroes of their national past, such as Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David, and conclude that they needed another mighty hero to overturn the Roman occupation and reestablish the kingdom.

But in Jesus, the heir to the throne of David, fulfillment of the Scriptures looked quite different from what anyone expected. He would not rule by force or domination. Instead, He would be betrayed by one of His closest companions and ultimately give up his life on the cross out of love for His people.

So on a night suffused with great promise and hope, Jesus showed His disciples what kind of coronation He would receive and what kind of kingdom He was establishing. By washing his disciples’ feet, He showed them that He is a King who serves His servants. Over the next few days, they would see a King who lays down His own life for his subjects. They would see a King who defeats even death, a King who offers to cleanse them every day by washing away their sins.

Jesus wants to come into your life and serve you. This is not what you might have expected from the King of the universe, but it is exactly how God has chosen to fulfill the Scriptures. So open your heart to Him, and let Him serve you today. Let Him forgive your sins and wash you clean. Let Him be your Servant-King, both now and forever.

“Jesus, thank You for serving me, cleansing me, and laying down Your life for me!
Acts 13: 13-25
Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27


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